Our Mission

Stardio was created because we feel passionately that group exercise and wellness hold the key to getting more people healthy socially, physically and mentally.  

Group exercise instructors are absolute legends.  They put so much energy, time, money and love into delivering that one-hour yoga class, or 30-minute HIIT; we wanted to develop a platform that could boost their income, reduce their administration and give them tools to make their incredible talents shine. 

We feel group exercise instructors are more than just instructors - they can get new people into wellness who would not consider the gym floor.

There are thousands of fitness apps, but we became very frustrated with the quality of home fitness.  Working out to a video is great with its incredible production values, fantastic lighting, sound and presenters.  But finding the motivation to load up a video can be hard, especially ‘when there is always something else to do!

Catering for many

Catering for many

As of 2021, only one-quarter of Brits (26%) exercise for at least half an hour on four or more occasions a week.  How do we get the other 84% motivated?  What if the gym floor is too intimidating?  What if the local gym or village hall is not offering the type of class someone wants to do?

We know many people have long-term health conditions, live in rural areas, can’t afford gym memberships or simply have the perception that exercise ‘is not for them’.

Live apps are great too, but they lack the social feeling of working out in a group where you know the instructor and the other members.  We wanted to bring a similar experience of the gym studio to the home, where you feel part of a team, regardless of where you live. 

With our awe of group exercise instructors, combined with the frustration of working out at home on Zoom, we developed Stardio.  By giving Instructors better tools to deliver excellent quality social wellness classes online, we hope more people will consider joining the wonders of wellness, regardless of location, perception, mobility, and existing fitness levels. 

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