Frequently Asked Questions

Stardio FAQ

So, you are excited about teaching on STARDIO. Great! We can’t wait to workout with you! Just before you sign up for your 30 days free trial, here are some answers to questions you may have.

+How much does Stardio cost?
+How do I move over or attract new participants to my Stardio account?
+I am interested, but I don't have any online participants - how do I find them?
+What do I need?
+What do my participants need?
+Why can't I charge 'per class'?
+Do you offer training?
+Can I set my own membership pricing?
+Can I downgrade from PRIMETIME to ESSENTIAL?
+Why do I have to pay a streaming fee for each of my participants?
+Are there any other fees?
+Can I use Original Artist music when streaming through Stardio?
+Do I need a fast Internet speed?
+Can I record my classes?
+Can I teach participants from all over the world?
+What if something goes wrong during a class? Can I get a partial refund?
+How do I contact support?

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