Calling Group Ex Instructors - we want to hear your stories!

5 min read
Aug 6, 2022

Instructors are Superstars. We know that, so let's SHOUT ABOUT IT!

Calling Group Ex Instructors - we want to hear your stories!

Get paid £50 to share your group exercise experiences in 5-minute video.

I am looking for 20 group exercise instructors to share their honest thoughts on what is involved in being a great group exercise instructor.  If you would love to join us and get the word out, and you would like to send a video, please email and let us know you plan to send a video :-)

Calling Group Ex Instructors - we want to hear your stories!

I have long known how much time, energy, commitment and preparation group exercise instructors have to put into their craft.  It was group ex instructors who literally changed my life, from being overweight and unfit, to entering the industry myself.

Ever since my own training, I now know I had previously under-appreciated the sheer time commitment of planning classes, learning and rehearsing choreography, attending training and all the administrative work that goes with it, never mind the costs involved.

When I put together the ARCADIA workout, the sheer time dedicated to choreography, music selection and crafting the moves to follow a journey of peaks and troughs, ensuring the right mix of heart rate intensity and rest times, was more challenging than I could have imagined.

During the shoot, my mind was filled with remembering the script, cueing, previewing forthcoming moves, offering options and trying to concentrate on not sounding completely out of breath! And I didn't even have an audience watching my every move.

Group exercise classes are to me, the equivalent of performing on stage multiple times a week, where all eyes are on you.

It really is a mastery of presentation, communication, interaction and the ability to read the audience.  The multitasking is so intense - offering options, remembering the cues, keeping everyone motivated and excited, watching out for people’s alignment; all in real-time.

Regardless of any injuries you may have developed after so much training and teaching, or even if you are just having a bad day, you have to be just as smiley, enthusiastic and motivating on the 20th class as much as the 1st that week, and still give time to clients who want your advice after class.


Calling Group Ex Instructors - we want to hear your stories!

It sounds as cheesy as F@$K, but for me, a group instructor is more than an instructor. He or she is a motivator, a mental health worker, an administrator, a performer and genuinely a life changer (certainly in my case!).

We want to create a video of ‘Instructor Stories’ that we would love you to share and be part of!

I am inviting group exercise instructors to upload a video to us, to share their experiences, of no more than 5 minutes each.  To thank you for your time, you will be paid £50.

Thank you for listening!


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How to submit.

So I can edit the videos together, please read the script below and add in the personalised information.   

As soon as you are committed to sending a video, please email so I don't take too many submissions.  

Please record the video in a head and shoulder frame.  Please try and have a ‘clean’ background.  Please try and use an external microphone to ensure the audio quality is good or at least record in a quiet environment. You can either use a webcam or your phone.  If you use a phone, please use a tripod or something to keep it stable.

Don’t worry about doing the video all in real time.  If you make a mistake that is fine! There is no need to stop recording and try again.  You can simply start over and keep recording.  If you do wish to say another line again if you can leave a second or so before and after of silence, that just makes it easier for us to edit the video together.  We will take care of the editing - Just be your natural amazing self!

Once you have finished the video, you can either upload it to YouTube as an Unlisted link.  Please upload in the highest quality possible.  Or you can Wetransfer the video to me.

Once you have done that, please email with your link, and tell me your full name and any other information you would like to share, such as your website or social media handles.  I will also send you an invoice template. 

Once I have edited the video together, I will email you the link.

I will post the video on the STARDIO social media channels, so please feel free to follow us on the links below.

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(Please leave a few seconds of silence between each line)

My name is … 
I have been a group ex instructor for … (amount of time) 
I teach … (classes you teach) 
On average I teach (x) number of classes per month …


These are more freestyle.  Please say the line before the answer.  Don’t forget.  It’s fine if you want to start over or say a line again. As long as there is a few seconds of silence before the line - there is no need to stop recording.  Relax and have fun with it! 

I love being a group exercise instructor because: 
How I prepare for hosting an online workout is : (here you can talk about things like going through the choreography in your head, preparing your mindset, hair/makeup, asking for injuries, asking if there are newbies in the audience etc)
During a workout I have to remember :

After a workout I feel :
The funniest OR most embarrassing thing that has happened to me as a group ex instructor is: 
The hardest thing/s about being a group exercise instructor is: 
The most time-consuming aspect to be a group exercise instructor is: 
I love my profession because: 
The most inspiring/kindest/memorable/touching thing a client has said to me was:




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